Monday, July 20, 2015

Coming down by the Riverside

Twenty-one new missionaries arrived in the 
California Riverside Mission on July 14, 2015! 
Here, the hermanas from the Mexico City MTC (CCM) arrive.   

In an effort to have the missionaries arrive in the mission less tired we 
tried a new schedule on this transfer.  The plan was that both the Provo 
and Mexico MTC groups would arrive about 4:00 pm instead of 9:00 am 
so they wouldn't have to get up so early.   The group from the Provo MTC 
arrived about 4:00.  Somehow the sisters from Mexico City got scheduled to
arrive at 1:00 pm.  This meant the sisters from Mexico had been up since 
1:00 am (11:00 pm Monday California time!).  Their luggage got did not arrive 
when they did.  By the time they got to the mission home they had 
been awake fifteen and half hours.  We fed them a light lunch then sent 
them up to take naps!  Eventually everyone was gathered together 
for dinner.  After dinner we all gathered for their first mission
field meeting.   

Wednesday morning we headed to the mission office for breakfast, 
training, lunch, and testimony meeting where the new elders and 
sisters met their companions for the first time.  

Afterward there was time for dessert and getting acquainted. 

Here are the new companionships.  

Sister Cramer (r) from McCammon, Idaho
and her companion, Sister Miller

Sister Burris (r) from Castle Rock, Colorado
and her companion, Sister Bjork

Elder Golder (l) from Syracuse, Utah
and his companion, Elder Jensen

Elder Mayo (l) from Mount Pleasant, Utah
and his companion, Elder Griffin

Elder Moss (r) from Riverton, Utah
and his companion, Elder Anderson

Elder Olsen (l) from Jerome, Idaho
and his companion, Elder Tui'one  

Sister Babb (l) from Maple Valley Washington
Her companion is Sister Castrillon (not pictured)
Sister Sager (r) from Salt Lake City, Utah
and her companion, Sister Rutherford (c) 

Elder Stabler (l) from Herriman, Utah
and his companion, Elder Knight

Elder Williams (l) from Kellogg, Iowa
and his companion, Elder Uasike

Elder Calder (l) from Herriman, Utah
and his companion, Elder Merriman

Sister Bradshaw (r) from Versailles, Kentucky
and her trainer, Sister Cultura 

Elder Cornaby (l) from Yukon Oklahoma
with his companion, Elder Camper

Elder Frost (l) from American Fork, Utah
with his companion, Elder Higashi

Sister McCulloch (r) from Bancroft, Idaho
and her companion, Sister Moore

Sister Petersen (l) from Hyrum, Utah
with her companion, Sister Sterner

Elder Moyers (r) from East Wenatchee, Washington
and his companion, Elder Folau

Elder Smith (r) from Thatcher, Arizona
and his companion, Elder Muir

Sister Visick (r) from Logan, Utah
and her companion, Sister Horne

Elder Young (l) from Lapoint, Utah
and his companion, Elder Noyes

Elder Jewkes from Hyde Park, Utah
Somehow the companionship picture has gone 
missing!  Elder Jewkes companion is Elder Manson.