Monday, September 28, 2015

Staying Safe and Healthy

Most things in the mission are repeated on a regular schedule:  
incoming missionaries, district development meetings, MLC, etc.
In September we had two days of unique meetings.  The Church,
in an effort to keep missionaries safe, installed TIWIs in every
missionary car.  TIWIs provide a voice in cars that talks  to drivers,
reminding them to put on seat belts, obey speed limits, etc. 
While their cars were getting worked on in the 
parking lot, elders and sisters gathered for missionary training and
to learn about these new devices in their cars.

Brother Russ Fountain, the vehicle coordinator for the Missionary Department, 
trains elders and sisters in safe driving.  

After Thursday's meetings

In addition to safe driving instruction, missionaries who had requested them
received flu shots paid for by Missionary Medical and provided by a 
local pharmacy.  Here's to healthy, safe days ahead.