Monday, February 15, 2016

One and Done, But Not Exactly

This transfer only one missionary went home.  
Elder Greenberg came to Riverside with sister missionaries.
At the end of eighteen months they went home.  Elder Greenberg
completed his service on February 8th.  We wanted him to have
the same experienceas everyone else who goes home, sharing
memories with fellowmissionaries and celebrating together, so
we invited him to invite other missionaries to come to the
outgoing dinner with him.  When Elder Greenberg arrived at the
mission home at 4:00 was pretty quiet, but as the specially
invited guests began to arrive at 4:30 lots of energy came with them.

The energy of the arrival carried into dinner where elders filled
the dining room.  (Side note:  the mission home had had to be 
repiped. An hour before this photo was taken all the dining room 
furniture was pushed to one side and Bro. Johnson was painting
the walls and ceiling so the furniture could be put back in place!)

Elder and Sister Puskas will be leaving the mission in March
before the next transfer.  The also came  for dinner and to
 share their out-going testimonies.  This photo is just 
before the meeting began.    

All the elders who came were invited to share brief testimonies.

Senior missionaries love to come to these meeting.  The Spirit
is always keenly felt, and it is wonderful to feel the strength of 
those who share their testimonies.  Sister Pendleton, one of the
mission nurses, and Sister and Elder Hall are shown here.  

After the meeting.  

Elder Greenburg checks out a photo on his camera.  

Tuesday morning Elder Greenburg in his "group going home" photo.

We wish him every success as he returns to his family.